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You will choose the genre, mood, and length of the song you want written.
You will provide us with all of the background information you would like to include in your song.
After that, we will write a custom-made song specifically for you.
Creating a customized song typically takes between 5 to 7 business days from the time we receive all the necessary details and song preferences from you. This timeline allows us to carefully craft your custom-made song after you provide us with all of the necessary information like the genre, mood, and the length. After that, we will begin composing, recording, and final production. If you need your song sooner, we do offer a rush option for an additional fee, which can reduce the completion time to 2 to 4 business days.
Customized songs are perfect for a wide range of occasions! Some popular events include weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, proposals, graduations, and holidays. They also make thoughtful gifts for special milestones, such as a baby’s birth, retirement, or a loved one’s memorial. No matter the occasion, a personalized song can add a unique and memorable touch.
30 Seconds - $85
1 Minute - $145
2 Minutes - $200
3 Minutes - $250
This will depend on your budget and how many details you wanted included in the song.
3 Minute Songs
2 Minute Songs
1 Minute Songs
30 Second Songs
Absolutely! You are welcome to provide your own lyrics for your customized song. We will work with you to set your lyrics to music, ensuring the melody and arrangement perfectly complement your words. Whether you have a complete set of lyrics or just a few ideas, we’re here to bring your vision to life.
* For copyright reasons, these lyrics must be written and owned by you.
Yes, you can request changes to your customized song after hearing it. We offer one round of complimentary revisions to ensure the final song meets your expectations. This can include adjustments to the melody, lyrics, instrumentation, or overall production. If additional revisions are needed beyond the first round, we can accommodate those for a small fee. Our goal is to make sure you’re completely satisfied with your personalized song.
For copyright reasons, we are not able to do cover songs.
Yes, we create customized songs in Spanish! Whether you want a song entirely in Spanish or a mix of Spanish and English, we will craft a beautiful, personalized song that captures the essence of your message. Just let us know your language preference when placing your order.